Mystry Behind The Seventh Door of Shri Anantha Padmanabha Swamy Temple
The temple of Sree Anantha Padmanabha Swamy in Tiruvananthapuram, Kerala has got the world's attention in recent days. About 2 Lakh crores worth of gold is found in the underground vault's of temple.The committee which was employed takes in to account its value based on ancient and historical facts the value of the treasure will be approximately ten times to the value estimated right now. Treasure includes ancient gold chains, diamonds, rubies and precious stones, silver vessels, and gold statues the value of which is humanly impossible to evaluate in terms of money, bags full of golden coins of different nations including NAPOLEON and ITALIAN we
are also found.
The entire world stands now to know what’s behind the Mysterious Last door of Padmanabha Swamy temple. According to the experts it was expected to Unlock by itself when a Secret Chant is spelled as it is locked in that way.
It is believed that this chamber is being considered by the Trust members and other learned Astrologers of India, as highly mysterious, sacred and risky and dangerous to unveil it. Because the steel door of the Chamber-B is having two big COBRA PORTRAITS on it and this door as no nuts, bolts or other latches.
It is considered to be fixed to the secret chamber with the ‘NAGA BANDHAM’ or ‘NAGA PAASAM’ ‘MANTRAS’ by the then ‘SIDDA PURASHAS’ who lived during the reign of KING MARTHANDAVARMA in the 16th CENTURY.
A door of such a secret vault can be opened by a highly erudite ‘SADHUS’ or ‘MANTRIKAS’ who are familiar with the knowledge of extricating ‘NAGA BANDHAM’ or ‘NAGA PASAM’ by chanting a ‘GARUDA MANTRA'; So except in this way, the door can't be opened by any means by anyone. At present NO WHERE IN INDIA or in the WORLD such a highly sacred and powerful ‘SIDDHAPURSHAS’ or ‘Y0GIS’ or ‘MANTRIKAS’ who does know how to execute highly sacred ‘GARUDA MANTRA’ are EXISTING.
If any human attempts are made with man-made technology to open the mysterious Chamber-B other than by chanting highly sacred and powerful ‘GARUDA MANTRAS’ by a highly sacred ‘SADHUS’ or ‘MANTRIKAS’, catastrophes are likely to occour in and around the Temple premises or through out India or even through out the world according to VEDIC ASTROLOGERS OF INDIA, who also revealed their inability to open the door by chanting the secret ‘GARUDA MANTRA’.
As of now, the people on the other side of the door are able to listen the sounds of water or Sounds made by snakes as guessed. Believers say that the seventh door is an opening where the entire temple and areas may be flooded with waters and some others say, that there are large serpents guarding the area inside which doesn’t allow any one. The day to know what’s really behind is still awaited.
I say, it might be the seventh door of Shree Maha Vishnu also. As it gets sync with the concept of seven doors. If so the only way to see god is to open the door ...